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Форум CS-HLDS.RU » Всё для клиентской части cs 1.6 » Проблемы в кс 1.6 » Не могу зайти на сервер (просит в консоле сиди кей.)
Не могу зайти на сервер
StimiysДата: Среда, 25.04.2012, 00:31 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1
Награды: 0
Статус: Offline
wacko Решил скачать пиратку кс 1.6 скачал, но на сервак не могу зайти потому что в консоле пишет мне(это я про вообще):NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005
Server IP address
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\Reallite\a\a2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\hostages.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\rescue_zone.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\rescue_zone2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\rescue_zone.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\rescue_zone2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ct_spawn.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\t_spawn.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\Reallite\_Places\Na_respe_kontrov.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\_Reallite\_Places\V_uglu.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\bridge.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\middle.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\house.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\apartment.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\apartments.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\market.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\c
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\sewers2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\tunnel.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\tunnel2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\vents.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\vents2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ventilation_system.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\villiage.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\roof.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\upstairs.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\downstairs.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\basement.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\crawlspace.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\kitchen.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\kitchen2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\inside.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\outside.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\tower.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\wine_cellar.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\garage.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\c
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\water.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\front_door.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\front_door2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\back_door.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\side_door.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\back_way.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\front_yard.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\back_yard.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\side_yard.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\lobby.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\vault.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\elevator.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\elevator2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\double_doors.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\security_doors.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\long_hall.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\side_hall.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\front_hall.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\back_hall.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\c
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\far_side.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\windows.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\window.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\attic.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\storage_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\projector_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\meeting_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\conference_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\computer_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\big_office.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\little_office.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\dumpster.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\airplane.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\underground.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\bunker.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\mines.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\old_mines.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\front.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\b
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\rear.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\side.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ramp.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ramp2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\underpass.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\overpass.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\stairs.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ladder.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\gate.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\gatehouse.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\loading_dock.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\guardhouse.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\entrance.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\vending_machines.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\vending_machines2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\loft.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\balcony.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\alley.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\back_alley.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\side_alley.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\c
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\back_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\side_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\crates.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\truck.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\bedroom.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\bedroom2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\family_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\bathroom.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\bathroom2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\living_room.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\den.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\office.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\atrium.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\entryway.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\foyer.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\stairwell.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\fence.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\deck.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\porch.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\patio.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\Reallite\Spotted\spotted32.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\Reallite\Defusing\defusing5.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\Reallite\iwaithere\iwaithere3wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\Reallite\killed\killed6.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\nice_shot_commander.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\nice_shot_commander2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\good_shot_commander.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\good_shot_commander2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\nice_one_commander.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\good_one_sir.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\good_one_sir2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\nice_shot_sir.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\nice_one_sir.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get durat'sound\radio\bot\cooked\the_commander_is_down_repeat.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\the_commander_is_down.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\weve_lost_the_commander.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\lead_on_sir.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\lead_the_way_sir.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\lead_the_way.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ok_sir_lets_go.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\lead_on_commander.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\lead_the_way_commander.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ok_cmdr_lets_go.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\alright_lets_do_this.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\tag_them_and_bag_them.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duratio'sound\radio\bot\cooked\you_heard_the_man_lets_go.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\i_got_more_where_that_came_from.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\who_wants_some_more.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\i_am_on_fire.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\look_out_brag.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\thats_right.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\whos_the_man.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\come_out_wherever_you_are.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\where_are_you_hiding.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\come_out_and_fight_like_a_man.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\come_to_papa.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\they_wont_get_away.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duratio'sound\radio\bot\cooked\they_wont_get_away2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\they_will_not_escape.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\sniper.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\sniper2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\watch_it_theres_a_sniper.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\got_the_sniper.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\got_the_sniper2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\sniper_down.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\took_out_the_sniper.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\the_sniper_is_dead.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\area_secure.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\neutralized.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ok.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ok2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\alright.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooke
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\no2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\i_dont_think_so.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\naa.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\no_thanks.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\cover_me.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\cover_me2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\aw_hell.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\great.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\aww_man.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\thats_not_good.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ill_come_with_you.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ill_go_with_you.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\ill_go_too.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\i_got_your_back.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\i_got_your_back2.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\im_with_you.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\reporting_in.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\we_gotta_find_that_bomb.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\time_
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\theres_not_much_time_left.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\hostage_down.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\where_are_the_hostages.wav'
Warning: Couldn't get duration of phrase 'sound\radio\bot\cooked\me_too.wav'
InstallTutor - Tutor Setting is 0
Master server communication disabled.
Bogus key length on CD Key...
Bogus key length on CD Key...
Invalid authentication certificate
а так при входе в кс нажимаю найти сервер и когда я нажимаю интернет через некоторое время он мне пишет:Could not contact master game server to retrieve server list.
Люди подскажите что делать надо??куда сиди кей писать?? wacko wacko
Форум CS-HLDS.RU » Всё для клиентской части cs 1.6 » Проблемы в кс 1.6 » Не могу зайти на сервер (просит в консоле сиди кей.)
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